Have A Question?
Find answers to your questions here:
For Virtual Care Support or help with booking a virtual appointment:
virtual care support
To book an in-clinic appointment, contact us via phone or visit our Patient Portal. We do not book appointments via email.
For all other inquiries relating to your healthcare or visit, to review the status of test results, or find out why we called you, please visit our Patient Portal.
Appletree Patient Care Centre
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (EST)
Saturday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (EST)
Sunday: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (EST)
***Important Notice***
We do not provide walk-in wait times over the phone. For wait times, daily updates on clinics, doctors’ availability and any other information, click here:
Greater Toronto Area
Phone: (647) 722-2370
Fax: (647) 490-6330
Ottawa Region
Phone: (613) 482-0118
Fax: (613) 604-0277
Accessibility Feedback Process
Patients and clients may provide feedback regarding the services provided to persons with disabilities. Feedback is accepted verbally in person, written by mail or fax, through the feedback form on our website, written by E-mail, or verbally over the telephone. All documents and processes required by the Accessibility Customer Service Standards are available in alternative formats and communication support upon request.